Each year in Australia, almost fifty million tyres are discarded, with the vast majority being through commercial use. Many of the scrap tyres in Australia finish up in landfill, illegal dump sites, or other potentially undesirable and unknown tyre disposal locations. This causes, wasted natural resources and significant ongoing damage to the environment.
The Australian government has worked with the tyre industry in recent times to increase the volume of tyres being recycled across Australia, as well as fostering the tyre recycling industry, to help improve the market for recycled tyre products.
At the Adelaide Waste and Recycling Facility, we dispose of tyres through Tyre-cycle, who are part of a nation wide and highly regarded resource recovery group. Tyre-cycle have been around since the early 1990’s and are always discovering new improved methods for recycling tyre waste.
To avoid throwing tyres into dumps, some tyre service centres will also recycle your tyres when you purchase new ones. If you are dumping tyres yourself however, you can drop them in to our North Plympton transfer station during business hours. Standard fees apply.
We accept all types of tyre waste and are dedicated to improving tyre disposal methods, and diverting tyre waste away from land fill.
Tyre recycling waste is sorted from any general waste on arrival, and thus you will be directed to the appropriate tyre disposal area. If you require any further information on fees, or other information on discarding tyres, you can contact one of our friendly operators at our North Plympton recovery facility on 08 8295 5077
Our friendly operators are available at the AWRC if you need to clarify any further information.